We fully understand that businesses need certainty that they’ve made an informed decision to merge or acquire a separate organization; JPPI uses investigative techniques to gather the facts. We provide due diligence with integrity and submit reliable information for our clients to utilize by offering the following services.
- Pre-employment/Due Diligence screening: Conducting a background check on a potential employee is essential. If not, hiring the wrong employee may be more costly than the actual cost of the investigation. With your reputation and business on the line, you would want to be associated with standup individuals. JPPI have the resources to conduct the needed pre-employment screening and reference verification, beyond the initial call to verify if the applicant and the reference are associated.
- Internal theft/competency investigations: Do you have merchandise that seems to be moving but the sales just do not add up? Do you suspect an employer of giving extra product away during a sale? Do you simply wish to know if your employers are acting in a way that would best represent your company’s values? With an internal investigation, we will be able to determine if your employers are conducting business in accordance with your standards.